Alex's AS Media Blog
Friday, 26 April 2013
What kind of media institutions might distribute your product and why?
The media institutions that may distribute our product would have to be a distributor that works with independent low budget films. This is because our film is obviously low budget and it made by 3 of us which would be considers as an independent film production team.
Here is a list of film distortion companies that focus on distributing independent films:
- Balcony Films
- Breaking Glass Pictures
- Brink DVD
- Channel Midnight
- Cinema Epoch
- Deep focus Productions
- Direct Cinema
- Facets Multi Media
- Factory 25
- Fox Searchlight
- Halo 8
- Lionsgate
- Monterey Media
- Moxie Films
- New Line Cinema
- New Video Group
- Passion River
- Pathfinder Home Entertainment
- Rialto
- Rumur Releasing
- Sony Pictures Classics
- Strand Releasing
- Seventh Art Releasing
- Skylight
- Troma Entertainment
- The Weinstein Company
- Zeitgeist Films
Momentum is one of the leading independent motion picture distributors in the UK and this is the type of film distributor that is most likely to produce a film like our because it our film is independent and British made. Any of the above distrubtion companies would more than likely distribute our film due to the fact we are low budget and an indpendant.
The film would most likely get distrubted to an idependant film cinema company because of the attributes it holds. It fits the charateristics of an independant film and a cinema company like Picturehouse would screen this within there cinemas. But because it is a teen film, with a young relatable characters, that has a mainstream film idea behind it, meaning it could possibly be shown in a more mainstream cinema company like Vue.
The film would most likely get distrubted to an idependant film cinema company because of the attributes it holds. It fits the charateristics of an independant film and a cinema company like Picturehouse would screen this within there cinemas. But because it is a teen film, with a young relatable characters, that has a mainstream film idea behind it, meaning it could possibly be shown in a more mainstream cinema company like Vue.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
From the time we shot our preliminary task a lot has been learnt in order to benefit the group and make everything a lot easier to do and it became a lot less time consuming to do. The things we learnt improved our work and made our final product better than it would have been if we didn’t do the preliminary task.
From the preliminary task we had the chance to shoot, perform and edit a short clip that we planned and acted out ourselves. Doing this gave us an insight into the possible problems and difficulties we would need to establish and overcome in order to make a better end product. The first problem we had was the camera sturdiness. This was a problem because we had to keep the camera still and in place when zooming within the preliminary task, which was difficult because we done our filming hand-held, which highlighted that fact with lacked equipment and drove us to the decision of using a tripod when filming our final media product. Another problem we came across was continuity errors. This was a problem because when we shot our preliminary task and it came to editing it, we realised that we had to re-shoot some shot because they did not match and flow properly when edited. So from this we knew that we had to take more than one shot of the same scene from different angles to ensure we did not have to go back and do it again. This was effective because it saved time and made it a lot easy to edit, making it more efficient.
Another problem we faced was casting. Initially within our first ideas, we wanted all the main characters within it, but due to the lack of people who could/would commit to being a part of the preliminary, we knew we would not be able to get the numbers to do out initial idea. This lead to the new idea of having only 2 characters within the clip because we knew we could cater that amount, which was effective because we preferred the new idea.
Being in a group making our media product made it easier to complete the task because after doing the preliminary task we identified our strengths and we split the task load between us equally. My main role was to do the film shooting, we learnt from the preliminary task that this was my best attribute as I am not very good in front of the camera and my other 2 group members were. So from the preliminary task we learnt what jobs each of us were best at, we learnt the possible problems we may have with the future media product and all this helped us make a better introduction clip and made us more equipped and prepared for what was ahead of us.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Friday, 22 March 2013
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